Sensory Mindfulness for People with Intellectual...

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Geraldine Helbert Discussion started by Geraldine Helbert 6 years ago

Sensory Mindfulness for People with Intellectual Disabilities - Developed in 2012 and Firmly Established as a beneficial, progressive, engaging, repeatable programme.

Geraldine Helbert
Geraldine Helbert Sensory Mindfulness Case Studies

Case 1: (Male 20’s) Anxiety, rocking, disruptive, behaviours of concern, non-engaging, outbursts, distressed and very vocal.

Maintained same space boundaries, modelled quiet relaxation on the floor. Gradually moved from part to full participation over six weeks. Calmness and complete relaxation is now maintained for up to 40 minutes in a lying or seated position. Sessions are now obviously welcomed as observed in body language, smiling, words and gestures.

Case 2: (Female 30 ish) Non-cooperative, stressed, constantly moving and excessively vocal.

Persisted with including this Service User on a weekly basis. Over a number of weeks, the group were no longer disturbed by the noise continuous speaking in the session. The Service User changed behaviour and participated to a point of falling asleep on occasions in the sessions achieving complete relaxation and joined in and voiced some of the body scan mediation in a gentle way on more alert days. Participation in a calm group activity was significant achievement for this lady.

Case 3: (Female Mid 50’s) Self-harming tendencies, intrusively high pitched vocally and outbursts.

This Service User has made considerable progress. Self-harming is now very rare with complete relaxation and calm achieved on a weekly basis. She requests her preferred Sensor touch (hands / face) and fully engages in the whole session whilst having her own individual needs met during the 1:1 time that is included for each person who takes part.

Case 4: (Male 20’s & Female 30’s) Recurring unwanted behaviours hourly/daily. Injury risks to themselves and others. Elevated levels of anxiety, inability to take part in group activities due to demanding, controlling unacceptable behaviours. Both were also suffering emotionally and expressing it in many unwanted actions and reactions to others and situations.

Both individuals were given a safe space, specific tools and encouragement to express feeling in a healthy way. Boundaries were clear and maintained until each Service User came to the session voluntarily in their own unique way. The environment and sensory tools were kept the same for every session. Significant positive behavioural changes were observed each week and sustained during the following days. Change eased in week on week to a level of calm group involvement with fewer incident’s.
6 years ago
Geraldine Helbert
Geraldine Helbert Sensory Mindfulness for People with Intellectual Disabilities

Developed in 2012 and Firmly Established as a beneficial, progressive, engaging, repeatable programme - click here for case studies

Right now, I am facilitating more than 20 groups with weekly / bi weekly 1-hour Sensory Mindfulness and Relaxation Sessions for people with Intellectual Disability (individuals, groups and their staff) in Day Care and Residential settings.

More than 100 people with a wide range of Intellectual Disabilities attend the session with up to 30 members of Supporting Staff taking part each week and Staff rotation in place for participation in some group sessions.

Customised sessions were developed, are firmly established and continue to expand to new groups with Disability Service Providers in the Midlands and South.

Most abilities, mobilities and behavioural challenged Service Users respond positively to the calm relaxing atmosphere.

Senses of smell, touch, taste, hearing and seeing are engaged with a body scan meditation and mindful eating.
6 years ago