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Pipe ramming - Pipe ramming is a trenchless method of pipeline installation that drives a casing or pipe up to 18 inches diamater up to 25 meter long through the ground using a pipe ramming hammer.
Impact moling - Impact moling is a trenchless method used for the installation of small diameter pipes or cables using a pneumatic hammering tool. It is the simplest form of trenchless installation of pipelines for water, sewer, and gas under roads for pipes up 5 inch up to 15meters wide
High pressure drain jetting - High pressure drain jetting can also be used as a method of maintaining drains to ensure they remain free from obstruction. By doing regular jetting and pre-planned maintenance, can protect pipes and remove excess residue, preventing build up and future blockages.
Get in touch with myself (Mike) through phone on 087 357 7312 for more Information or to book any of our services, you can also get in touch with me through email @road.drilling@gmx.com, If you prefer you can also contact me through Facebook or Instagram by pressing on the links below:
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Domestic water connections - Service Connections shall be a minimum pipe size of 25mm outside diameter, 20mm internal diameter; Service Connections shall not be taken across roads where the width of the road is greater than 15m, except with the prior agreement of Irish Water.
Telecom connections - Directional boring is a trenchless method of installing dark fiber optic cable underground along a predetermined bore path. The directional drilling system allows for the placement of underground cable with minimal disturbance or disruption along the ground surface.
Borehole soakaway installation - It's constructed by digging a small hole, then inserting a cylindrical chamber with perforations or filling it with rubble, which allows the water to drain into the soil. As the alternative name 'deep bore soakaway' suggests, this type is inserted much deeper into the ground.
Get in touch with myself (Mike) through phone on 087 357 7312 or on WhatsApp using the same number for more Information or to book our services, alternatively can also get in touch with me through email @road.drilling@gmx.com
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