object(stdClass)#12441 (3) {
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string(1370) " Why You Should Choose Gleeson Floor Sanding
- Dust Fee Systems
- Unique Processes
- Highly Professional Company
- Fantastic Results!
- Unique 5 Point Ultimate Guarantee
- Specialists in Floor Sanding and Refinishing
In short we believe that we are the best quality Floor Sanding Company in Ireland. Why Take A Risk With Your Home? Ask For free advice & quotation.
We are the only professional, specialist Floor Sanding Company in Ireland that backs up our service with a Unique 5 point Guarantee. Our knowledge, equipment and processes are unrivaled in the industry. Call us and we will arrange for Seamus (or one of his team) to call you back within 24 hours.
The System
Gleeson Floor Sanding
No Dust, No Smell and No Hassle!
Many years of research have created the Unique Systems of Gleeson Floor Sanding.
Our Customers love the “Dust FREE, Odour FREE, hassle FREE” Service that we provide.
We provide a simple, hassle-free option to have beautiful wooden floors.
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string(1502) "Do you know if your floor is a Hard Wood Floor or Soft Wood Floor?
This is important as soft wood floors work successfully with a much smaller range of products and finishes than equivalent Hard Wood Flooring. If you are not sure, don’t worry we will be able to tell you.
Do you know what Species of Wood is used in your floor?
There are many species of wood used in flooring today (over 50!), for example:
Cherry - Oak - Pine - Walnut - Beech e tc,
Again it is important to choose the correct finishing process for each individual species of floor. Only specialist professionals (like ourselves) who work on different floor types day after day have the knowledge to correctly advise you.
Is your floor Solid or Semi Solid?
Both can be successfully treated, but require different approaches to the initial sanding – that’s why Gleeson Sanding uses several different types of floor sanding machines each suited to a specific floor type.
Do you want your floor stained or left with a natural finish?
Not all Floor Species are suitable for staining. If an unsuitable stain is put onto a floor at best it can look poor, at worst it will require a complete re-sand in a few short months. Fortunately the Specialist staff and Management of Gleeson Floor Sanding have the training and experience to guide you to the correct choice.
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string(1418) "What is the environment of the room?
All rooms are different, for example kitchens and bathrooms have a high level of moisture compared to living areas. Hallways tend to have much greater foot traffic (and thus wear) than other rooms. Each may need a different type of finish and or a different rate of application. Our customers know that we take these factors into account with our recommendation.
How to maintain the finished floor?
A well-maintained floor surface will extend the life (and save you money!) of the floor surface. As a matter of course we advise all our customers on the appropriate measures to take to maintain the floor (and protect your investment)
What type of finish product do you want?
In the industry today there are many types of finishing product, which can produce various end finishes: glossy, matt, “traditional” or modern, dark or light. These products give you a fantastic range of possibilities. Examples of finishes include:
Water Based - Hard Wax Oil - Lye Treatment - Soap Treatment - Oiling etc
Gleeson Floor Sanding have the knowledge and experience to help our customers select the best choice of finishes to result in that glossy magazine “look” every time. This is something that sets us apart from other sanding companies.
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Bulletin Board
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Bulletin Board (geoPush)
Am based in Fethard County Tipp. Need deal hall floor sandedMobile. 0877194748
Hello Seamus. I am located in Ballinahinch and need a junckers oak floor refurbished - could you give me a call please. 086 8187579