Glengoole Plants Online

2Ltr Azalea "Addy Wery"

Category: Garden >Shrubs

€ 13

Azelea “Addy Wery” 

There is no real simple way of distinguishing Azelea's from Rhododendron's only the Azelea has a daintier look and sometimes smaller leafs.  Some Azelea's loose their leafs in Winter Time.

Azelea “Addy Wery” is a small, evergreen azalea to 1.2m tall, with small, mid-green leaves and abundant, intense orange-red, trumpet-shaped flowers, 4cm in width, in mid to late spring

Foliage: Evergreen

Habit: Bushy


Flower Colour: Orange-Red

Sunlight: Full Sun or Partial Shade

Aspect: South-facing or West-facing or East-facing

Exposure: Sheltered

Soil: Clay or a good multipurpose compost


Ultimate height: 1-1.5 metres

Ultimate spread: 1-1.5 metres

Time to ultimate height: 5-10 years